
The program is designed to support women who have been abused or suffered trauma by offering transitional housing while they heal and prepare to live independently. Life coach services are provided to help guests navigate local resources and to provide encouragement along the journey. The program includes access to Yesterday’s Gone Healing Curriculum and setting achievable goals to guide women toward independence and self-sustainability.

Our core values are dignity, respect, and strength. These ensure a safe, respectful, healthy, and productive guest home for you. Each one of us has areas of growth that some aspects of these core values will challenge. The team at Yesterday’s Gone is willing to guide and assist you to thrive and succeed. Our goal is to achieve discipline that will enable you to meet goals and achieve your dreams.

Life Coach

The Life Coach helps guests living in transition learn how to manage their emotions more effectively and to develop the practical knowledge and skills they need to succeed in life. They help families by providing access to support services, including education, parenting skills, and job readiness. The Life Coach can be emotional support during challenging times. They will help you set goals and walk alongside you as you achieve them. Meet Our Life Coach


We offer individual and family counseling services through our local resource partners.


Education prepares women to embark on the path towards a successful career, including achieving a high school diploma, personal finance, job readiness classes and more.


The Life Coach will help assist guests in finding suitable work.

Self Defense

Each guest will be offered training in self-defense. Women feel empowered when they know how to defend their bodies.

Yoga and Physical Health

Our exercise programs show guests how to build strength, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and respect their bodies.


We encourage women to use online spiritual resources and/or in-person church service in the faith of their choice.

Other Services

We also provide transportation resources and access to local support groups.

Find Help

If you are a woman experiencing abuse, trauma, or previously in the foster system, you have a brighter future through Yesterday’s Gone. See how to start the application process and begin your journey to safety.


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